5 Mistakes That You Should Never Do In Your About Us Page Content

About Us Page

Developing a website to represent your business over the Internet? Worrying About Us content page? So here is the solution to your worry. These days websites are a substantial marketing tool. A Website helps to represent your business over the Internet and is a powerful tool for digital marketing. An About us page is often viewed and goes unnoticed, as the audience focuses more on other content and product or services pages published over the website.  

In fact, the About us page gives an overview of you and your website also assists to create harmony and commencing conversations. However, many websites neglect their About us page content. The major issue you may come across on the standard e-commerce About Us page is they certainly focus on writing about their company. Though contemplate regarding this that an About Us page isn’t entirely regarding you or your company. 

Moreover, it is regarding why a consumer should affectionately put money into your company. 

About Us Page
Image Credit:https://www.istockphoto.com/

What do you mean by the About Us page?

An About Us page provides users or customers who prefer shopping online insight into the brand you deal with and the people working on it. This may consist of:

  • When you established your brand
  • What is the USP of your brand?
  • What is your brand objective and optimism? 
  • Why people can invest in your brand 

As for fact two in-depth paragraphs distinctly explain What your brand formed around- product design, reliability and performance. 

About Us Page
Image Credit: https://www.poynter.org/

Why does your website require an About Us page?

An About Us page is pivotal when creating relationships with your users. Are you confused about whether you should add the About Us page to your website? Here, are some of the reasons why a website should have it:

  • In demand among new visitors:

On standard, numerous users visit an About Us page rather than viewing any other page over your website. What is the reason behind this?

People visiting a new website are majorly curious about what your website deals in and do not view products precisely. They certainly like reading stories and gaining more knowledge regarding the brand itself. The page often puts out all three of these desires. That makes it pivotal to add an About Us page over the website so that you capitalize the curiosity that arises in your potential customers’ heads. 

  • Presents the information regarding your websites USP:

It represents that no one except you is running the business like you run your business for the same objectives that you have. To showcase this kind of information an About Us page is the right place. The special story provided is what places yourself aside from your rivals. 

This page helps you in highlighting the crucial difference i.e. what makes you different from the company dealing in your niche. However, if a user comes across hardship and triumphs like your brand, they may get engaged in your story naturally. 

  • Consolidate your brand value:

This page is a significant place to proclaim precisely who you are and the way you desire to be seen through the words. 

Clarify the products and services you deal with. You can imply psychology while writing About Us content and use it in your favor. 

  • Notify the Audience of your story:

Numerous sites represent different information, focus and vibes. When users visit your website, they land on your About Us page. They tend to perceive a variety of facts regarding your website. So, You should mention all the facts regarding your website on the landing page. People like to read more about the facts you present rather than showing off about the business. 

People like reading stories, and they generally pay up for the story provided by you for your visitors. You’re About Us page convenience visitors whether they can rely on your website or not. You should revolve your content of About Us along with the story you tend to serve your readers. 

  • Inform readers regarding your past:

Generally, Readers want to read numerous types of information, though they usually want to read about your company’s growth from start-up to where it is now. People like to know more about what obstacles you came across while setting up the business, how you overcame all of the obstacles that came in your path, how you landed on who you are now. 

The story you build on the About Us page gives your company identity. A company requires you to build a character for the website that defines you and your brand precisely. 

Here, you are well-known all about why you need an about us page for your website.

About Us Page
Image Credit: https://www.motocms.com/

Common mistakes people go through while building an About Us page:

  • Not Adding an About Us page over your website:

Indeed some people have the perception that their website does not require an About Us page. However, publishing an About Us page over a website is not banality. Though people visit the About Us page often while coming across a business website. The audience of your website tends to visit this page so they can understand more about you and your website. Even, the audience comes across the type of work your business operates. An About Us page helps to answer all these questions that arise in the visitor’s head.   

Hence, an About Us page should be designed precisely for your website. A website missing an About Us page means that you miss out on numerous opportunities. Is your website missing an About Us page? It’s time you develop one for your site. 

  • No social evidence:

In the era of digital platforms, social evidence becomes vital to give a positive influence over visitors to your site. This page supports improving credibility, gaining trust among the audience and stirring up brand recognition. 

Consist of all the social media platforms present over the About Us page. You should ensure to highlight all the popular brands that you have collaborated with. Make sure you mention links of the sites you have worked with, testimonials of subsisting clients and vigor on social platforms will assist you to give rise to positive discussion. 

  •  Unavailability of visual portion:

Want to increase sales of your products or services? For that, not only information that people know of but also have a trust on you. For earning the trust of your audience people need to present images and videos wherever they feel it needs to be relevant. Provide your audience with a chance to know you deeply and can glance into your world of yours. 

Showcasing your products images, images of people working for your company and videos of your workplace so that people can view you as human rather than a company. As permitting people to form a connection with what a website offers their audience. 

  • Monotonous and Continuous Content:

A long story with boring content does not hold your audience over your website. An about us page should have a short and crisp story as it increases the engagement of the audience over the page. A short and crisp story is easy to understand and relate to. If you like to share a background story regarding your brand, ensure you come with creative writing so that people do not get bored while reading. As with boring content, a site repels the audience. 

So make sure to keep the page content crisp and maintain a word limit of up to 400-500 words. As overly stuffed content makes readers neglect the page. 

  • Absence of linking pages to landing pages:

You can utilize the opportunity to publish an About Us page to showcase your foremost work, popular blogs you published over your website or listing top-selling products. Hence, missing out on links so that people can visit your most viewed pages is an inadequate decision. By missing the linking of the About Us page with the landing page, readers will go through the About Us page and close the website without going through the pages you mentioned. Does your website miss out on linking pages with landing pages? Now is the time you connect them by adding the links.

To conclude:

An About Us page helps the audience to understand you and your work deeply. So, the reasons mentioned above make it essential to add the About Us page to the site. 

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